Where to Dig for Your Septic Tank Lid

 Where to Dig for Your Septic Tank Lid: A Guide to Uncovering the Access Point

If you’ve ever wondered where to dig to find your septic tank lid, you’re not alone. Locating the access point to your septic tank is a crucial part of septic system maintenance. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on where to dig to uncover your septic tank lid, ensuring hassle-free maintenance and inspections.

Understanding the Septic Tank Lid:

Before we delve into the digging process, let’s briefly understand the septic tank lid’s significance.

The septic tank lid serves as the entry point for inspection, pumping, and routine maintenance of your septic system. Accessing it is essential to keep your septic system in optimal working condition.

Follow these steps to locate and dig for your septic tank lid:

1. Check the As-Built Diagram:

  • Start by checking your property’s as-built diagram or blueprint. This document should provide information on the approximate location of your septic tank and its lid. It’s often available with your property records or local health department.

2. Look for Surface Clues:

  • Walk around your property and look for surface-level clues that might indicate the septic tank’s location. These clues can include lush or greener grass, depressions in the ground, or small, circular access hatches.

3. Measure from Fixed Points:

  • Use fixed points on your property, such as the corners of your house or other structures, to measure the distance to the septic tank. As per the as-built diagram, you can estimate the distance and direction to dig.

4. Use a Metal Detector:

  • A metal detector can be a handy tool in locating the septic tank lid. The lid is typically made of concrete, which contains metal reinforcements. Sweep the area with the metal detector to identify potential locations.

5. Probe the Ground:

  • If you’re still uncertain, you can use a long metal probe to gently prod the ground. Start near the estimated location and move outward. You may encounter resistance when the probe hits the lid or the tank itself.

6. Call a Professional:

  • If all else fails, or if you’re uncomfortable with the digging process, it’s best to call a professional septic tank service. They have specialized tools and experience to locate and uncover the lid safely.

Safety Precautions:

  • Before you begin digging, always call your local utility companies to mark any underground utilities to avoid accidents.
  • Exercise caution while digging to prevent injury or damaging the septic tank components.


Locating your septic tank lid is an essential part of septic system maintenance. By following these steps and using the available resources, you can pinpoint the access point and ensure that your septic system remains in excellent working condition. Whether you find the lid yourself or enlist the help of professionals, regular inspections and maintenance are key to the longevity and efficiency of your septic system.

Remember that proper maintenance not only extends the life of your septic system but also helps protect the environment by preventing potential leaks or overflows.